Read the phrases. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up. Marked words should be pronounced with much effort.
Does she feel / better now?
There are / leaves, / trees and / pumpkins in the garden.
I 'guess you liked a hot / meal.
Maybe we'll have to / leave together, I don't / know.
Is your team / okay darling?
You need that / gloomy, / cozy, / foggy village.
I was 'strolling in the / park, meeting 'up with my / friends…
'/ ' - if it's a general question the tone of
your voice goes up. If you are not sure
what you are saying the tone of your
voice goes up. If you haven't finished
your thought, the tone of your voice
usually goes up too. If you list something.
/ England / is / a / country / that / is / a / part / of / the / United / Kingdom.
/ It / shares / land / borders / with / Wales / to / its / west / and / Scotland
/ to / its / north. / The / Irish / Sea / lies / northwest / of / England.
Read the sentences. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up. Marked words should be pronounced with much effort.
ˈɪŋɡlənd ɪz eɪ ˈkʌntri ðæt ɪz eɪ pɑːt ɒv ðiː juːˈnaɪtɪd ˈkɪŋdəm
ɪt ʃeəz lænd ˈbɔːdəz wɪð weɪlz tuː ɪts west ænd ˈskɒtlənd
tuː ɪts nɔːθ ðiː ˈaɪərɪʃ siː laɪz ˌnɔːθˈwest ɒv ˈɪŋɡlənd