A tongue-twister. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up.
Pete weekly leaves green field
To s
ee the deep sea from a clean beach.
Does Pete
eel sleepy on the clean beach
Seeing the deep sea each week
'/ ' - if it's a general question the tone of
your voice goes up. If you are not sure
what you are saying the tone of your
voice goes up. If you haven't finished
your thought, the tone of your voice
usually goes up too. If you list something.
A pink sink is behind a big fridge,
The b
ig fridge is in front of the pink sink.
If the pink sink wasn't behind the big fridge,
Would the b
ig fridge be in front of the pink sink?
A tongue-twister. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up.
На письме звук [ i: ] передается:
- буквой -Ee-, если за ней следует согласная буква + немая -Ee- или любая другая гласная: these, Pete, Eva
- буквосочетаниями: -ea-, -ee-, -ei-, -ie-, например: veal, need, ceil, field
На письме звук [ ɪ ] передается:
буквой -Ii-, если за ней следует одна или более согласных: pin, tip, fill, miss, ill.
Исключение - live [ lɪv ].
В безударном положении в слове буква e передаёт краткий звук [ ɪ ]: eleven.
piːt ˈwiːkli liːvz griːn fiːld
tə siː ðə diːp siː frəm ə kliːn biːtʃ
dəz piːt fiːl ˈsliːpi ən ðə kliːn biːtʃ
ˈsiːɪŋ ðə diːp siː iːtʃ ˈwiːk
ə pɪŋk sɪŋk ɪz bɪˈhaɪnd ə bɪg frɪdʒ
ðə bɪg frɪdʒ ɪz ɪn frʌnt əv ðə pɪŋk sɪŋk
ɪf ðə pɪŋk sɪŋk ˈwɒz(ə)n bɪˈhaɪnd ðə bɪg frɪdʒ
wʊd ðə bɪg frɪdʒ bɪ ɪn frʌnt əv ðə pɪŋk sɪŋk