British Soul Course
| Task 3 | Week 3
Монофтонг (долгий звук) – [ɜː]
Read the sentences. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up. Marked words should be pronounced with much effort.
Read the sentences. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up. Marked words should be pronounced with much effort.
Монофтонг [e]
Задание 3
Задание 3
28:05 минута в лекции
47:10 минута в лекции
Claire is an \early riser.

- /ˈkleə ɪz ən ˈɜːli ˈraɪzə/

\First of all, I don't \work there.

- /ˈfɜːst əv ɔːl aɪ dəʊn wɜːk ðeə/

The \best nurse I've \ever known.

- ə bes(t) nɜːs aɪv ˈevə nəʊn/

That \person over there needs \help!

- æ(?) ˈpɜːsn ˈəʊvə ðeə ni:dz help/

На письме звук [ ɜ: ] передается:

гласными буквами - Ee, li, Uu, Yy, Oo - если за ними следует буква - Rr -
verb, girl, turn, work.

буквосочетанием - ear - + согласнаяearly, earth.

What a nice \bed!

- /wɒ(?) ə naɪs bed/

Dear \Ned, I \love you.

- /dɪə ned aɪ lʌv ju/

The Closest \vet is down the road.

- ə ˈkləʊsɪst vet ɪz daʊn ðə rəʊd/
It serves you \right, Jamie!

- /ɪt sɜːvz jʊ raɪt ˈʤeɪmi/

You should learn the \rules to drive a car.

- /jʊ ʃəd lɜːn ðə ruːlz tə draɪv ə ka:/

\Many girls are doing \sports to stay healthy.

- /ˈmeni ɡɜːlz ə ˈduːɪŋ spɔːts tə steɪ ˈhelθi/

You \send this to the \police officer.

- /ju send ðɪs tə ðə pəˈliːs ˈɒfɪsə/

And don't forget to lend \money.

- /ən dəʊn fəˈɡe(?) tə lend ˈmʌnɪ/

\John! Get the \dog out of there!

- /ˈdʒɒn ge(?) ðə dɒɡ aʊt əv ð/