Монофтонг (долгий звук) – [ɜː]
A tongue-twister. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up.
A tongue-twister. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up.
The firs(t) skirt is dirtier than the thir(d) shirt,
The first shirt is dirtier than the thir(d) skirt.
If the firs(t) skirt wasn't dirtier than the thir(d) shirt,
Would the firs(t) shirt be dirtier than the thir(d) skirt?
На письме звук [ ɜ: ] передается:
гласными буквами
- Ee, li, Uu, Yy, Oo - если за ними следует буква - Rr -
verb, girl, turn, work.
- ear - + согласная
early, earth.
Ten men mend seven hedges,
Seven men mend ten hedges.
ten men didn't mend seven hedges,
seven men mend ten hedges?
ðə ˈfɜːs(t) skɜːt ɪz ˈdɜːtɪə ðən ðə θɜː(d) ʃɜːt
ðə ˈfɜːs(t) ʃɜːt ɪz ˈdɜːtɪə ðən ðə θɜː(d) skɜːt
ðə ˈfɜːs(t) skɜːt ˈwɒzn ˈdɜːtɪə ðən ðə θɜː(d) ʃɜːt
ðə ˈfɜːs(t) ʃɜːt bɪ ˈdɜːtɪə ðən ðə θɜː(d) skɜːt
ten men men(d) ˈsevn ˈhedʒɪz
ˈsevn men men(d) ten ˈhedʒɪz
ten men ˈdɪd(ə)n men(d) ˈsevn ˈhedʒɪz
ˈsevn men men(d) ten ˈhedʒɪz