Монофтонг (долгий звук) – [ɜː]
Read the phrases. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up. Marked words should be pronounced with much effort.
Read the phrases. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up. Marked words should be pronounced with much effort.
an \early riser - /ən ˈɜːli ˈraɪzə/
\first of all - /ˈfɜːst əv ɔːl/
the \best nurse - /ðə best nɜːs/
serves you \right - /sɜːvz jʊ raɪt/
На письме звук [ ɜ: ] передается:
гласными буквами
- Ee, li, Uu, Yy, Oo - если за ними следует буква - Rr -
verb, girl, turn, work.
- ear - + согласная
early, earth.
\sorry, sir - /ˈsɒri sɜː/
\many girls - /ˈmeni ɡɜːlz/
\learn the rules - /lɜːn ðə ruːlz/
\working days - /ˈwɜːkɪŋ deɪz/
a nice \bed - /ə naɪs bed/
\Ned - /dɪə ned/
the closest
\vet - /ðə ˈkləʊsɪst vet/
a big
\tent - /ə bɪɡ tent/
\send this - /send ðɪs/
lend \money - /lend ˈmʌnɪ/
remember to \call - /rɪˈmembə tə kɔːl/
\lots of vegetables - /lɒts əv ˈvedʒtəb(ə)lz/