British Soul Course
| Task 1 | Week 1
Дифтонг [əʊ]
a reminder to start words with a wider pitch range.
The tone of your voice goes down.
Начинаем низко, а заканчиваем еще ниже
Read the words. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up. The tone of your voice on each word goes down.
\Soul - /səʊl/

\Row - /rəʊ/

\Grow - /ɡrəʊ/

\Don't - /dəʊnt/
Read the words. Read slowly, paying attention to your articulation then gradually speed up. The tone of your voice on each word goes down.
\So - /səʊ/

\Glow - /ɡləʊ/

\No - /nəʊ/

\Note - /nəʊt/
\Soak - /səʊk/

\Low - /ləʊ/

\Go - /ɡəʊ/

\Coat - /kəʊt/
Монофтонг [æ]
a reminder to start words with a wider pitch range.
The tone of your voice goes down.
Начинаем низко, а заканчиваем еще ниже
\Bad - [bæd]

\Lack - [læk]

\Chat - [tʃæt]

\Family - [ˈfæməlɪ]
\Bat - [bæt]

\Mad - [mæd]

\Sad - [sæd]

\Dad - [dæd]
Задание 1
Задание 1
23:02 минута в лекции
47:20 минута в лекции